Category: General ICRD Screening, Back from the Brink: Countering Violent Extremism

ICRD Screening, Back from the Brink: Countering Violent Extremism

June 25, 2013

The International Center for Religion & Diplomacy (ICRD) presents Back from the Brink: Combating Violent Extremism. What modern issue affects the global family of humanity more than the rise of violent extremism and the roots and outlets of its ideologies? After the Boston Marathon bombing we find ourselves asking again, what can we do to prevent it? You are invited to a free screening of a documentary and panel discussion that delves deeply into the efforts and experiences of three dissimilar communities around the world who are working to combat violent extremism. The panel will include Dr. Douglas Johnston, President of ICRD, and Azi Hussein, who will discuss our de-radicalization work with imams in the madrasas of Pakistan.


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