Become a witness and practice ecumenism in your community!
An active program for more than twenty-five years, Ecumenical Witnesses of Baptism is one of the most visible signs of Christian unity in our area. Whenever a baptism is scheduled in a participating church, a phone call or email goes out to the Ecumenical Witnesses of Baptism Coordinator, who then assembles a team of persons whose denominational affiliation is different from that of the congregation requesting witnesses. By witnessing baptisms in other traditions, we affirm that we are all baptized into the wider body of Christ and not just into a particular denomination or congregation.
Begun in 1995, this unique program is one of the most visible activities of the Council of Churches. Thanks to the visionary leadership of the late Reverend Drs. Gregg A. Mast, and Allan J. Janssen, and the late John U. Miller, the Council created a way to demonstrate our essential unity in Christ.
Each year, pastors and witnesses gather on the 2nd Sunday of January (or the Sunday designated on the liturgical calendar as that of the Feast of the Baptism of The Lord), to share experiences and learn about baptism in one of our traditions. We warmly welcome new witnesses and participating congregations.
If you want to learn more about this unique program, invite ecumenical witnesses to a baptism at your church, or become a witness yourself, you can call or email Christine Baxter at christinejbaxter@gmail.com or call her at (518) 337-8424.